UPGRIP Engineering Faculty Lecturer Meeting Even Semester TA. 2020-2021

As a first step in entering the Even Semester of the 2020/2021 Academic Year which will start on February 22, 2021, the Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang held a lecturer meeting on Thursday, February 11, 2021. The meeting which was held in the Hall Room of the Faculty of Engineering, 1st floor of Building D, PGRI University Palembang was routine agenda which is held every time entering a new semester. All lecturers are still required to attend this meeting. The lecturer meeting was chaired and opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Mr. Adiguna, ST., M.Sc., which was attended by UPGRIP Chancellor Dr. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M.Sc., CIQaR., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Mr. Aan Sefentry, ST., M.T., all Chairmen of Study Programs and Permanent Foundation Lecturers (DTY) from three Prodi, Kabag. Administration, Finance and Civil Service, Heads of Subdivisions and managers of the Faculty of Engineering.

The agenda carried out in the meeting was discussion of lecture preparation, such as: class schedules, Community Service (PKM), Journal and Lecturer Performance Burden (BKD). In his speech, UPGRIP Rector Dr. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M.Si., CIQaR. again emphasizing that all lecturers who are not in accordance with the Tri Dharma of Higher Education are not allowed to provide learning and provide guidance to students and lecturers and must also use SISFO for every learning and teaching activity. “Improve the performance of all Faculty of Engineering academics for the better and in the future the Faculty of Engineering must make changes to improve its reputation as a faculty that is superior, competitive and has character in the development of science and technology in accordance with the mission of the Faculty of Engineering”. The Dean in his speech emphasized that “there needs to be a change for the better, be it in the fields of teaching, research and community service, every lecturer and student can access the documents that have been provided on the faculty web to be used to support lecture activities”. The Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang is committed to providing the best service through Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi activities including education and teaching, research and development as well as community service.The Faculty of Engineering is currently using the Academic Information System – Online (SISFO) to provide convenience to users (lecturers and students) in online campus academic administration activities such as making class schedules, filling out study plan cards (KRS), paying tuition fees, filling in grades, processing data for lecturers and students and so on by using only cellphones. This system can also function as a support for data analysis in determining campus decisions.
