Wednesday, March 24, 2021, at the Usman Majid Hall, 4th Floor Library Building, PGRI Palembang University, an inauguration ceremony was held for the DPM, BEM Faculty of Engineering, PGRI Palembang University and Organizational Management Leadership Training as well as the Anniversary of BEM FT. 18th.
The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang Adiguna, S.T., M.Sc., attended by the Head of Engineering Faculty Study Programs, Head of Subdivision. Student affairs, academics and cooperation along with the entire board of DPM, BEM Faculty of Engineering and invited guests from student organizations at the PGRI Palembang University. After going through the inauguration procession, reading the oath of office and signing the inauguration script. The event ended with the handover of positions from the old DPM and BEM management of the Faculty of Engineering, PGRI Palembang University, which had the old new management.
Then, on the same day and place the event was continued with Organizational Management Leadership Training activities. Present as resource persons, namely: 1. Mr Drs. Sukardi, M.Pd. as Deputy Chancellor III of the PGRI Palembang University with material for Student Organizational Guidance and Development, 2. Mr. Adiguna, ST, M.Sc., as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering by presenting material for Guidance and Development of the Work Program of the Faculty of Engineering Ormawa, 3. Mr. Medi Heryanto, ST as an Alumni of the Faculty of Engineering, presenting the material on the introduction to the duties of the Legislative and Executive Organizations.
The event, which continued to prioritize health protocols, ended with a question and answer session.