Seminar on Thesis Results of Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRIPalembang, Even SemesterAcademic Year 2020/2021

The result seminar is an academic activity carried out by students after completing research data collection activities and is carried out before submitting a thesis exam. The thesis result seminar needs to be submitted by students as one of the requirements for obtaining a bachelor’s degree.


The Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Study Program, University of PGRI Palembang, on Wednesday, June 9, 2021, the even semester of the Academic Year 2020/2021 has held a thesis result seminar located in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, Building D, 1st Floor, Universitas PGRI Palembang. The thesis result seminar was attended by 8 (eight) participants. The names of students who took part in the seminar were as follows: 1. Kasilda Aprilya Ningrum Nida Siahaan, 2. Yogi Farnandu, 3. Tri Cahyono, 4. Yoga Eko Prasetyo, 5. Nike Zuraidah, 6. Shandy Pebriyanto, 7. Andri, 8. Fridiansyah’s memo. With a test team consisting of: 1. Adiguna, ST., M.Sc., 2. Amiwarti, ST., MT., 3. Herri Purwanto, ST., MT.

