Casual Talk of Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang

Saturday, August 14, 2021, a Casual Talk event for the Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang was held. The event, which was hosted by Rully Masriatini, S.T., M.T, took place in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, 1st floor of Building D, PGRI Palembang University, which was opened by the Dean of the Adiguna Engineering Faculty, S.T., M.Sc. and as many as 40 participants took part in the webinar. The casual talk with the Chemical Engineering Study Program was held online using the zoom meeting application. The event was relaxed but meaningful and received good enthusiasm from the webinar participants. In the first event, participants listened to remarks from Mr. Adiguna, S.T., M.Si as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang.

Appearing as the first resource person, namely Mr. Muhrinsyah Fatimura, S.T., M.T who explained material about the chemical engineering study program during the covid 19 pandemic and the chemical engineering study program curriculum.

Followed by the second resource person, namely Mr. Aan Sefentry .S.T., M.T who explained material on how to study while working strategies during the covid 19 pandemic. The purpose of holding this webinar is to provide information and open up participants’ insight about the lecture system during the covid 19 pandemic to prospective students about Study Programs. Chemical Engineering and especially prospective transfer students, transfers, past learning recognition (RPL), prospective students who work, so that they can work while studying.

After the speaker finished delivering the material, the webinar was followed by a question and answer session.


