On November 16, 2021 Located in the OKI Meranti Pedamaran High School classroom, the PGRI Palembang University and the OKI Meranti Pedamaran High School established a collaboration as stated in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Rector of the University of PGRI Palembang, Dr. H. Bukman Lian, MM, M.Sc., CIQaR, in this case represented by Adiguna, ST, M.Si who is also the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Suptryadi, S.Pd as the Principal of SMA Meranti Pedamaran OKI has signed a memorandum of understanding between the two sides. The MoU event, which was moderated by Nita Nurdiana, S.T., M.T, was attended by foundation coaches, leaders, staff and students of OKI Meranti Pedamaran High School, Head of Electrical Engineering Study Program Emidiana, S.T., M.T and Lecturers of Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang.
In his speech, the Principal of SMA Meranti Pedamaran OKI Suptryadi, S.Pd expressed his highest appreciation to the University of PGRI Palembang for the implementation of this memorandum of understanding. “This is a good opportunity for us and it is hoped that SMA Meranti Pedamaran OKI can synergize well with PGRI Palembang University both in improving learning, research and making students easy to study at PGRI Palembang University. Hopefully with the MoU we can all benefit.” This is in line with the remarks from the founder of the foundation, Mr. Suparna. Meanwhile, Adiguna, S.T., M.Si in his speech gave an explanation of what faculties and study programs exist at PGRI Palembang University and the advantages gained by the MoU. Adiguna, ST, M.Si said “after the MoU PGRI Palembang University will be ready to help improve the competence of OKI Meranti Pedamaran High School, PGRI Palembang University will provide assistance to OKI Meranti Pedamaran High School both regarding existing facilities and the required experts according to the agreement” .
After the signing of the MoU, the event continued with the implementation of Community Service (PKM) of the Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering with the theme of laboratory K3 socialization. Led by the Head of Electrical Engineering Study Program Emidiana, S.T., M.T with members: 1. Ir. Saleh Al Amin, MT, 2. Abdul Aziz, ST, MT, 3. Yudi Irwansi, ST, MT, 4. Nita Nurdiana, ST, MT, 5. Perawati, ST, MT, 6. Irene Kartika P, ST, MT by providing material exposure to teachers, managers and students regarding the importance of knowledge about occupational safety and health in the laboratory.
Appearing in the first session, Irene Kartika P, S.T., M.T gave material on: Understanding Laboratory K3, then Perawati, S.T., M.T., gave material: Laboratory Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Yudi Irwansi, S.T., M.T appeared as the third speaker by delivering material on: Work Accidents in the Laboratory. The implementation of the PKM was closed with a discussion and a questionnaire.
With this counseling and training, it is hoped that it can provide knowledge to students, managers and teachers at Meranti High School regarding what steps or stages must be taken in terms of implementing occupational safety and health in the laboratory if something unexpected happens.