Implementation of the Thesis Session for the Chemical Engineering Study Program, PGRI Palembang University Odd Semester Academic Year 2021/2022

Thesis is a scientific work that must be written by students as part of one of the requirements to obtain a bachelor’s degree. And to test the truth of the thesis material, it is necessary to hold a thesis trial or a comprehensive trial. Students who are allowed to take part in this thesis trial are students who have met various administrative requirements. In addition, the student has completed all courses as one of the requirements that must be taken. The thesis session itself has the meaning of an effort to determine the ability of students to understand and develop lecture materials that are in accordance with the scientific field of the study program, by presenting student thesis in front of the examiner lecturer. This is done to determine whether they are eligible to hold a bachelor of engineering (ST) degree. Meanwhile, the purpose of the thesis trial or comprehensive session is to assess students’ academic insight, abilities and depth, assess students’ reasoning and analysis abilities and assess students’ abilities in developing theories that are in accordance with the scientific disciplines of the study program.

On Friday, January 21, 2022, the Faculty of Engineering, Chemical Engineering Study Program held a thesis session at the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, Building D, 1st Floor, PGRI University Palembang. The implementation of this thesis trial was carried out in a hybrid manner or online/via zoom and offline/face-to-face, which was attended by 5 (five) participants. Name of student who took part in the thesis trial online/via zoom: Gusti Pondang. The names of the students who took part offline/face to face were: 1. M. Ajie Akbar, 2. Danil Ramdoni, 3. Denny Irawan, 4. Agung Kuriniawan. With the names of the examiners: 1. Muhrinsyah Fatimura, S.T., M.T., 2. Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T., 3, Ir. Agus Wahyudi, M.M., 4. Nurlela, M.T., 5. Rully Masriatini, S.T., M.T., 6. Husnah, S.T., M.T., 7. Reno Fitrianti, S.T., M.Si.

After going through several thesis trial sessions, students who have carried out thesis trials and are declared to have passed are entitled to take part in the graduation.

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