Inauguration of the Management of the Student Representative Council (DPM), Student Executive Board (BEM) and Study Program Student Association (HMPS) for the 2021-2022 Period and the 22nd Anniversary of BEM as well as Basic Organizational Administration Training, Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang

Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at the H. Usman Madjid Hall, 5th floor of the Palembang PGRI University Library Building, the administrators of the DPM, BEM and HMPS Faculty of Engineering for the period 2021-2022 have been inaugurated. The event which was attended by the Dean Adiguna, S.T., M.Si, Deputy Dean Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T and the Head of the Sub-Division of Academic Administration, Cooperation and Student Affairs Endang Kurniawan, ST and all the management of DPM, BEM and HMPS of the Faculty of Engineering took place smoothly and solemnly.

Adiguna, S.T., M.Si in his speech said, the Faculty of Engineering will always provide support to the elected management and this is a learning process in organization. “The task of the management is to be able to socialize the importance of organizing as a student identity by changing the mindset that has existed so far so that in the future it will be better, and it is also hoped that the management will be observant in seeing the opportunities that exist. The Faculty of Engineering will always facilitate student activities by involving students in managing the “Business Incubator” that exists, especially in the Faculty of Engineering”. “Students must be more productive and have more value or useful work,” said Adiguna closing his speech. Meanwhile, each of the elected officials stated their readiness and ability to lead DPM, BEM and HMPS.

The board of directors were elected as follows: Chairperson of DPM Fitrahul Qolbi, Deputy Chairperson Chicha Novitasari, Student Governor Tiara Prasetya, Deputy Student Governor Dimas Kasmoro, Chairperson of HME Ginta Pranata, Deputy Chair Ahmad Dahlan, Chairman of Himtekim Vemmy Aryandha, Deputy Nur Afni and Chair of HMS Nur Ferdiansyah, Deputy Fitrahul Qolbi for the 2020/2021 period management. Hopefully those who are selected can be consistent and remain solid in carrying out their duties and make the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang proud, and carry out their work programs as planned during their tenure.

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