Meeting for Preparation of Lecturer Research Roadmap and Community Service for the Chemical Engineering Study Program

In carrying out the duties and responsibilities as a lecturer who already has, of course, not only to teach or carry out educational activities. However, in addition to carrying out education but must also carry out research and community service. This is one of the main obligations as a lecturer contained in Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers.

In line with this, the Chemical Engineering Study Program is led by the Head of the Chemical Engineering Study Program, Rully Masriatini, S.T., M.T, carrying out research meetings and community service activities in 2023. The activity was carried out on Saturday (13/05/2023) in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, floor 2 Building D PGRI Palembang University was also attended by all Lecturers of the Chemical Engineering Study Program. The topic of the meeting is to discuss the implementation team, methods, schedule of activities and budget to be implemented.

It is hoped that later the Research and Community Service of the Chemical Engineering Study Program can provide solutions to real problems that occur in society which are always dynamic and increasingly complex in various changes. Apart from that, research and community service can basically encourage career paths for all lecturers.