Faculty of Engineering Participation in Curriculum Development Assistance Workshop to Support MBKM Implementation

In order to support the implementation of the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM), especially for Universities within the region II higher education service institutions, on Wednesday and Thursday, September 29-30, 2021 at the Drs. H. Aidil Fitrisyah, MM. 5th floor of the Business and Science Center Building. PGRI University Palembang held a Workshop on Mentoring Development of OBE Oriented Higher Education Curriculum Based on KKNI and SN-Dikti at PGRI Palembang University. The event which was opened by Dr. Nuril Furkan M.Pd as secretary of L2Dikti Region II and attended by the Rector of the University of PGRI Palembang, Dr. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M.Sc., CIQaR, Vice Chancellor I/II, Vice Chancellor III. Director and Deputy Director of Postgraduate, Deans, Vice Deans from all faculties within PGRI Palembang University, including the Dean of FT. Adiguna, S.T., M.Si and Wadek FT. Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T.

The presenters in this activity are: 1. Yanuar Dwi Prastyo P.Hd from Bandar Lampung University with material Reconstruction of Curriculum Documents Rationalizing Curriculum Development to Produce Global Competitive Era Society 5.0 Graduates According to MBKM Policy, 2. Ch. Desi Kusmindari, M.T., I.PM from Bina Darma University Palembang with learning materials using Case Method and Team Base learning, 3. Desy Misnawati, S.I.Kom from Bina Darma University Palembang with material on MBKM Implementation Strategies in Higher Education.

It is hoped that with this workshop, participants know and understand the guidelines and are able to implement the Independent Learning-Independent Campus, especially in the PGRI Palembang University environment.
