Basic Training of BEM Organization, Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang

Organizational Basic Training is an activity carried out with the aim of providing leadership skills that are responsible for critical, creative and innovative thinking. Basic Organizational Training (LDO) with the theme “Building Superior Cadres Who Have a Leadership Spirit and Have a Critical Mindset” was held by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang aimed at all students of the Faculty of Engineering. This activity was held on Thursday, October 28, 2021 at the Drs. H. Usman Madjid 5th floor of the PGRI Palembang University Library Building. This activity was opened directly by the Chancellor of the University of PGRI Palembang in this case represented by the Vice Chancellor III Sukardi, M.Pd and attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Adiguna, S.T., M.Si, the Heads of Study Programs in the Faculty of Engineering, Head of the Student Affairs Subdivision Endang Kurniawan, S.T and students and invited guests. During the activity, all participants and committees involved continued to carry out activities with strict health protocols with the discipline of wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands and measuring body temperature before entering the room.

The training activities were filled with various materials on bureaucracy, organization and leadership. The first material presented in this event was Campus Bureaucracy with Adiguna, S.T., M.Sc. as presenters. Appearing as the second speaker, Nur Muhammad Habibillah, S.Pd delivered material about Organization. Then the third speaker is Medi Heryanto, S.T., M.M with material on Leadership. After all the material is finished, it will be continued interactively with the training participants in a question and answer session.

This basic organizational training aims to cultivate a responsible leader, think critically, creatively and innovatively, foster a sense of kinship for Engineering Faculty students, make a positive contribution in developing potential talents in organizational activities and are highly dedicated to the organization.

It is hoped that after this activity, LDO participants can become active, independent, and responsible organizers in accordance with the objectives of the activity.

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