Accreditation is a form of external quality assurance system, which is a process used by authorized institutions to provide formal acknowledgment that an institution has the ability to carry out certain activities. Recognition of educational institutions given by the competent body after being assessed that the institution meets certain standard requirements or criteria; acknowledgment by a ministry of the existence of a person’s authority to carry out or carry out his duties.
As is known, since April 1, 2019 the Higher Education Accreditation Board (BAN-PT) has introduced a new instrument in the accreditation of study programs, namely IAPS (Study Program Accreditation Instrument) 4.0 which uses 9 outcome-based criteria. Previously an accreditation instrument with 7 standards based on input and process.
Thursday, April 21, 2022, located in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, BPM Universitas PGRI Palembang made a visit to the Faculty of Engineering for the purposes of preparation for the accreditation of Chemical Engineering Study Programs and Civil Engineering Study Programs. Present at the event were Head of BPM Universitas PGRI Palembang, Dian Nuzulia Armeina, M.Pd and his staff, Dean of FT Adiguna, S.T., M.Si, Vice Dean of FT Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T., Heads of Study Programs and Lecturers at FT Universitas PGRI Palembang.
This needs to be carried out to prepare and fulfill the supporting data needed for accreditation, to perfect the accreditation form so that it gets the maximum score, to equalize perceptions regarding the limits on the number of pages, as well as to provide an understanding of performance indicators, general performance, additional performance in accordance with the requirements needed.