Proposal Seminar and Factory Design Seminar on Chemical Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang, Even Semester, 2021/2022 Academic Year

Sempro or seminar proposals become an inseparable part of the process of preparing theses, theses, and dissertations. The scientific work is a mandatory requirement for completing lectures, so it must be prepared properly and correctly. What is meant by sempro is the submission of a research plan that is presented to supervisors and examiners for evaluation. The aim is to assist students in preparing thesis so that the research direction is correct, identify research topics, formulate hypotheses, understand research background, develop or adjust appropriate methods. While the factory design assignment seminar is a final project that must be completed by every student of the Chemical Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang as a prerequisite for completing undergraduate studies. With this assignment, it is hoped that the reasoning ability and application of the theories that have been obtained during lectures can develop and can be understood well.

The Faculty of Engineering, Chemical Engineering Study Program, Universitas PGRI Palembang, on Saturday, June 25, 2022, held a proposal seminar and a factory design assignment seminar located in the classrooms of the Faculty of Engineering, Building D, 1st Floor, Universitas PGRI Palembang. Sempro was attended by 5 (five) participants: 1. Putri Anggraini, 2. Karima Sari, 3. Nur Atikah 4. Titah Amelia, 5. Rusdiana. With supervisors/examiners, namely: 1. Muhrinsyah Fatimura, S.T., M.T, 2. Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T., 3. Ir. Agus Wahyudi, M.M., 4. Rully Masriatini, S.T., M.T., 5. Nurlela, S.T., M.T., 6. Husnah, S.T., M.T.

The factory design assignment seminar was attended by 2 (two) participants, namely: 1. Vieolina Ayu Kusuma W, 2. Yunia Sarifransiska. With supervisors/examiners: 1. Muhrinsyah Fatimura, S.T., M.T, 2. Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T., 3. Ir. Agus Wahyudi, M.M., 4. Rully Masriatini, S.T., M.T., 5. Nurlela, S.T., M.T., 6. Husnah, S.T.

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