Closing Civil Days 2022

After completing a series of events, Wednesday (19/10/2022) at the H. Aidil Fitrisyah Hall, 5th floor of the BSC Building, Universitas PGRI Palembang, a closing ceremony for Civil Days 2022 was held. The event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in this case represented by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. UPGRI Palembang Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T., Head of Sub-Division of Academic Administration, Cooperation and Student Affairs Endang Kurniawan, S.T., students and invited guests.

In his speech, Lipung Prayoga as the General Chair of the Civil Student Association (HMS) of the Faculty of Engineering said, “Thank you to all the committees, competition participants and students who have made the Civil Days 2022 event a success. Hopefully HMS in carrying out future activities can be even better”.

Meanwhile, Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T said, “Thank you and the highest appreciation to the entire committee, especially the chairman of the association and chairman of the 2022 Civil Days committee. In the implementation of Civil Days, there are many things that can be learned, hopefully this can be a lesson for us.” We all. It is hoped that this activity will continue. And hopefully all engineering students can finish college on time with excellent grades. With this Civil Days 2022 is officially closed”, said Aan Sefentry ending his speech.

Before the closing ceremony, on this occasion, prizes were distributed to the winners of the competition

World of Work Seminar

The world of work is an environment related to the work we are currently in. In other words, it is a place where various individuals carry out activities, both within companies and organizations. For this reason, in supporting and improving students’ insight and future preparation after graduation and to provide self-education for students who will enter the world of work along with the development of the flow of information, the employment climate is increasingly dynamic. One way to prepare oneself to enter the world of work is to improve the quality of oneself, it will be very necessary to be ready to compete with foreign workers.

Realizing this situation, the Civil Student Association (HMS) of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang helps students to prepare themselves for the world of work later through a seminar with the theme “Preparation to Enter the World of Work”.

This seminar activity is one of a series of events Civils Days 2022 held on Wednesday (19/10/2022), located in H. Aidil Fitrisyah Hall 5th floor BSC Building PGRI Palembang University attended by Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UPGRI Palembang Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T., Head of Sub-Division of Academic Administration, Cooperation and Student Affairs Endang Kurniawan, S.T., students and invited guests. By presenting speakers: Charma Afrianto S.E (Chairman of DPP Gencar Indonesia), and Medi Heryanto S.T., M.T (PT. SURVEYOR INDONESIA PERSERO).

After listening to the presentation of the material from the two speakers, the seminar was closed with a question and answer session and the presentation of a certificate to the moderator and the speakers.

Participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in a Talkshow Event at the Studio Radio Sriwijaya Palembang

A talk show is a type of television or radio program in the form of a conversation or discussion of a person or group of people on a particular topic (or various topics) guided by a moderator. Guests in a talk show usually consist of people who have studied or have extensive experience related to the issue being discussed. Talk shows can be delivered in a formal or casual style and sometimes you can receive calls with questions or responses from viewers or people outside the studio. In order to provide wider knowledge to the people of Palembang city and its surroundings about PGRI Palembang University, for this reason, PGRI Palembang University in collaboration with Radio Sriwijaya Palembang held a Talkshow event.

Tuesday (18/10/2022), the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang took part in the promotion of Universitas PGRI Palembang, especially the Faculty of Engineering at the Sriwijaya Radio Studio Palembang, Jalan Sesaat Putih 1, No 41A, 8 Ilir Palembang, South Sumatra. Guided by mang Nga as moderator, present as one of the presenters, namely Amiwarti, S.T., M.T who is also the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang.

In the talk show, Amiwarti, S.T., M.T gave an explanation about the Faculty of Engineering. He explained in detail about the history of the establishment, what study programs exist, the accreditation of each study program, the vision and mission of the Faculty of Engineering, the existing facilities, among others: friendly and professional teaching and educational staff in their fields, qualified laboratories/workshops , a refrenstatif lecture building, a national standard library, a student dormitory building and various other supporting facilities. In addition, he also explained the various facilities that can be obtained by the community to be able to study at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang.

It is hoped that this talk show can provide benefits, including: increasing knowledge, providing inspiration and providing solutions to listeners or the public so that they do not hesitate to choose to study at the Faculty of Engineering.

Thesis Proposal Seminar and Seminar on Results of the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang Odd Semester Academic Year 2022/2023

Sempro or seminar proposals become an inseparable part of the process of preparing theses, theses, and dissertations. The scientific work is a mandatory requirement for completing lectures, so it must be prepared properly and correctly. What is meant by sempro is the submission of a research plan that is presented to the supervisor and examiner for evaluation. The aim is to assist students in preparing thesis so that the research direction is correct, identify research topics, formulate hypotheses, understand research background, develop or adjust appropriate methods. While the results seminar is an academic activity carried out by students after completing research data collection activities and is carried out before submitting a thesis exam. The thesis result seminar needs to be submitted by students as one of the requirements for obtaining a bachelor’s degree.

The Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Study Program, University of PGRI Palembang, on Wednesday (19/10/2022) the odd semester of the academic year 2022/2023 held a Thesis Proposal Seminar and Results Seminar which was held in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, 2nd Floor, Building D, Universitas PGRI Palembang.

.The thesis proposal seminar was attended by 2 (two) participants, namely: 1. Muhammad Ananda Anugrah, 2. Muhammad Afandi. Meanwhile, the result seminar was attended by 4 (four) participants, namely: 1. Ahmad Sofuan, 2. Robi Hidayat, 3. Dendi Oktarindi, 4. Mawardi. Both seminars were conducted with a team of examiners consisting of: 1. Amiwarti, S.T., M.T, 2. Herri Purwanto, S.T., M.T., IPM., 3. Adiguna, S.T., M.Si., 4. Reffanda Kurniawan, S.T., M.M.

Infrastructure Development Seminar

Infrastructure is the technical, physical, system, hardware and software facilities needed to provide services to the community and support structural networks for economic and social growth. The existence of infrastructure is very important in supporting economic and social development because good infrastructure can increase effectiveness and efficiency both for the business world and for the social community. Infrastructure development is capital or capital in an effort to increase the productivity of the country’s economy as well as efforts to improve the standard of living of the community at large, infrastructure development is also an important aspect of economic growth because good infrastructure has a good impact on economic growth, thus creating new jobs, and reduce poverty and increase per capita income.

Given the importance of infrastructure development and the need for students to understand further and increase knowledge about it, the Civil Student Association (HMS) Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang held an Infrastructure Development Seminar, with the theme “Medium-Term Infrastructure Development Plan for Palembang City”.

This seminar activity is one of a series of Civil Days 2022 events, held on Monday (17/10/2022), located in the H. Aidil Fitrisyah Hall and attended by the Dean of the Amiwarti Faculty of Engineering, S.T., M.T, Deputy Dean Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T, Head of Civil Engineering Study Program Herri Purwanto, S.T., M.T., IPM, students and invited guests.

By presenting competent speakers in the field of development, namely 1. Ir. H. Basyaruddin Akhmad, M.Sc (Head of PUPR Disperkim of South Sumatra Province and Acting Head of Bappeda of South Sumatra Province) and Ir.H. Akhmad Bastari ST., MT., IPM., ASEAN Eng (Head of PUPR Office of Palembang City)

The seminar activities carried out by students were closed with a question and answer session and the presentation of certificates to the speakers.

Opening of Civil Days 2022

The Civil Student Association (HMS) of the Faculty of Engineering, PGRI University Palembang, on Monday (17/10/2022) held the opening of the 2022 civil days activities, located in the H. Aidil Fitrisyah Hall, 5th floor of the Business and Science Center Building, Universitas PGRI Palembang. The event which was attended by the Chancellor of the University of PGRI Palembang in this case was represented by the Vice Chancellor III Drs. Sukardi, M.Pd., Dean of the Amiwarti Faculty of Engineering, S.T., M.T and accompanied by Deputy Dean Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T., Head of the Civil Engineering Study Program (Head of Study Program) Herri Purwanto, S.T., M.T., IPM, Head of Chemical Engineering Study Program, Muhrinsyah Patimura, S.T., M.T., Head of Electrical Engineering Study Program Emidiana, S.T., M.T and all staff and managers of the Faculty of Engineering, General Chairperson of MPM UPGRI Palembang and their ranks, President of BEM UPGRI Palembang and their ranks, Chairperson of DPM Faculty of Engineering UPGRI Palembang and all BEM and HMPS administrators, Faculty of Engineering and invited guests.

The event was opened by singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya with the conductor by Jwita Wulantari. Then the event continued with a report from the chairman of the committee, Usman Yoga Pratama, who in his remarks gave an explanation of the plan for civil days activities. Civil days activities will be held from 17 – 22 October 2022, while the activities include: 1. Seminar, 2. E-Sport Contest (Mobile Legend) and 3. Bazaar.

The event continued with remarks from the Chairman of the Lipung Prayoga Civil Student Association, who in his speech said, “This civil days activity was held because of the assistance and participation of various parties, both from the university, faculty and committee. Hopefully we can get knowledge and provisions from this activity. Thank you to the University of PGRI Palembang, especially the Faculty of Engineering for their support and support so that this activity can be held. It is hoped that HMS and the Faculty of Engineering can continue to synergize with PGRI Palembang University for future activities.”

After the remarks from the Head of the Association, the event was followed by remarks from the Chancellor who in this case was represented by Drs. Sukardi, M.Pd., in his speech said, “It is a pleasure on behalf of the University of PGRI Palembang and especially the Faculty of Engineering today to be able to inaugurate the opening of the civil days event. Activities like this should be carried out more often and hopefully this momentum can be used for the development of the HMS of the Faculty of Engineering towards a better direction in terms of implementing an activity in the future. Congratulations on holding this activity, and hopefully all the activities planned by the HMS Faculty of Engineering can be carried out smoothly without any problems. With this, civil days 2022 is officially opened,” said Drs. Sukardi, M.Pd., CIQnR ended the speech.

The opening ceremony of civil days 2022 was closed with a prayer read by Ahmad Dahlan and a group photo.


Untuk Rekan-rekan Mahasiswa PGRI dan sekitarnya, Kembali HMSFakultas Teknik UPGRI Palembang mengadakan Seminar dan Lomba, banyak ilmu yg bermanfaat, banyak hadiahnya, banyak keseruan di acara ini. Be there !

Faculty of Engineering Coordination Meeting

In order to convey information and socialize a rule or new thing in the faculty, as well as to get input in the form of criticism or suggestions from colleagues. The Faculty of Engineering held a coordination meeting, this was deemed necessary to improve the quality and cooperation in carrying out an activity.

Located in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, 2nd floor of Building D, Universitas PGRI Palembang, on Monday (10/10/2022), a Routine Meeting of the Faculty of Engineering was held. The meeting was chaired by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Amiwarti, S.T., M.T accompanied by the Deputy Dean Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T., Head of GPM Reffanda Kurniawan, ST., M.M., Head of Electrical Engineering Study Program Emidiana, S.T., M.T., Head of Chemical Engineering Study Program Muhrinsyah Fatimura, S.T. MT , S.T., Ka. Library unit Lusi Anita, S.E., Ka. Laboratory of Electrical Engineering Irine Kartika Pebrianti, S.T., M.T., Ka. Chemical Engineering Study Program Lab, Rully Masriatini, S.T., M.T and all managers of the Faculty of Engineering.

At this meeting, the Dean invited all managers of the Faculty of Engineering to work together in carrying out their respective duties and obligations in realizing a harmonious, synergistic and highly dedicated work environment. One of them is cooperation in discipline. Both discipline in working hours and discipline in completing their responsibilities.

As for the things discussed in this meeting, namely: attendance, permits during working hours and preparation of thesis writing training activities for the Faculty of Engineering for the academic year 2022-2023.

Visit of BPH PB PGRI at PGRI University Palembang to the Faculty of Engineering

In the context of gathering and coaching with managers and in connection with the election and inauguration of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang for the term of 2022-2027, the Management of BPH PB PGRI at PGRI Palembang University made a visit to the engineering faculty.

Located in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, 2nd floor of Building D, PGRI University Palembang, on Friday (7/10/2022), the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Amiwarti, S.T., M.T was accompanied by the Deputy Dean Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T and the Head of the TU, Finance and Personnel Division Sri Mulyati, S.T., M.Pd received a visit from BPH PB PGRI at the University of PGRI Palembang which on this occasion was represented by Yulman Rosananda who also acted as the Supervisor of the Faculty of Engineering. Also present at the event were Head of GPM Reffanda Kurniawan, ST., M.M., Head of Electrical Engineering Study Program Emidiana, S.T., M.T., Head of Chemical Engineering Study Program Muhrinsyah Fatimura, S.T., M.T., Head of Civil Engineering Study Program Herri Purwanto, S.T., M.T., IPM., Head of Sub-department of Academic Administration , cooperation and student affairs Endang Kurniawan, S.T., Ka. Library unit Lusi Anita, S.E., Ka. Laboratory of Electrical Engineering Irine Kartika Pebrianti, S.T., M.T., Ka. Chemical Engineering Study Program Lab, Rully Masriatini, S.T., M.T and all managers of the Faculty of Engineering.

In his speech, Yulman Rosananda, S.T reminded that the engineering faculty should prepare and optimize the facilities and infrastructure they have properly, and be effective in carrying out their duties. “All existing managers carry out their duties in accordance with their respective tupoksi and it is hoped that all managers will work together in good and be willing to work together and work together. Eliminate all differences, now is the time to support the dean who has been elected,” concluded Yulman Rosananda, S.T ending his speech.