Participation of Faculty of Engineering Lecturers in Assistance Event for Preparation of PPKP PNSD Lecturers Dpk Within LLDIKTI Region II

Every Civil Servant (PNS) has Main Duties and Functions as standards and guidelines in carrying out work. There is a need for a monitoring mechanism to address this matter. In an effort to harmonize the implementation of the main tasks of each Civil Servant (PNS), a control is needed on this matter. Employee Work Performance Assessment (PPKP) is a control tool so that every activity in carrying out the main tasks by each civil servant is in line with the objectives set in the Strategic Plan and Work Plan of the Organization or Institution.

LLDIKTI Region II provides Assistance in the Preparation of PPKP PNSD Lecturers Dpk. The event which lasted for two days was held on Tuesday/Wednesday, 21/22December 2021 at the Drs. H. Aidil Fitrisyah, M.M 5th floor of the Business and Science Center Building, Universitas PGRI Palembang, was attended by the Head of LLDIKTI Region II, who at the same time opened the event and gave a speech by Prof. Yuliansyah, S.E., MSA., Ph.D., Akt., CA., along with his staff, Rector of PGRI University Plg Dr. H. Bukman Lian, MM, M.Si, CIQaR along with the ranks and participants from Muhammadiyah University of Palembang, Bina Darma University, Kader Bangsa University and STIE Serelo. A total of 38 PNSD Lecturers in the PGRI Palembang University took part in the event, three of them were PNSD Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering, namely: Ir. Muhammmad Bakri, M.T., Adiguna, S.T., M.Si and Muhrinsyah Patimura, S.T., M.T.

It is hoped that with assistance in the preparation of PPKP, PNSD lecturers who take part in this event can have similarities in terms of making teaching implementation guidelines and employee performance targets to be taken.

The Participation of Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering in the Seminar on Research Results of Lecturers of Internal Grants at the University of PGRI Palembang for the 2021 Fiscal Year

The Participation of Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering in the Seminar on Research Results of Lecturers of Internal Grants at the University of PGRI Palembang for the 2021 Fiscal Year

Research is essentially a scientific activity that can be used as one of the lecturers’ development and can be accounted for, because the research conducted by lecturers is based on problems that occur in the object of research and community service itself. As part of the implementation and reporting of research, each researcher is required to make achievements or results documents and carry out results seminars in the last year of implementation.

Given the importance of this, LPPKM Universitas PGRI Palembang held a Seminar on Research Results for Lecturers of Internal Grants for the 2021 Anngaran Year. This activity was attended by lecturers who received research grants and was carried out for 1 day, namely December 13, 2021 at Auditorium 406 floor IV Business and Science Center Building University PGRI Palembang. The Faculty of Engineering takes an active role in this activity by involving its lecturers, namely: Ir. M. Saleh Al Amin, M.T., Nita Nurdiana, S.T., M.T., Ir. Muhammad Bakrie, MT, Aan Sefentry, ST, MT, Herri Purwanto, ST, MT, and Agus Setiobudi, ST, MT who acted as speakers, then Emidiana, ST, MT, Irine Kartika F, MT, Yudi Irwansi, MT, Abdul Aziz, MT, Nurse, MT, Muhrinsyah Fatimura, MT, Nurlela, MT, Rully Masriatini, MT, Ir. Agus Wahyudi, MM, Reno Fitriyanti, ST, M.Sc., Husnah, MT, Amiwarti, ST, MT and Reffanda Kurniawan, ST, MM acted as participants while acting as Discussants Adiguna, ST, M.Sc., Aan Sefentry, ST, MT, and Dr. M. Firdaus, S.T., M.T. In the 2021 fiscal year, engineering faculty lecturers will receive 6 research grant titles.

The event which was opened directly by the Chancellor of the University of PGRI Palembang, Dr. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M.Sc., CIQaR and was attended by Vice Chancellor III Drs. Sukardi, M.Pd., Head of LPPKM Dr. Rohana, M.Pd., All Deans and Research Lecturers at the University of PGRI Palembang. In his speech Dr. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M.Si., CIQaR said that this activity is a form of responsibility of researchers for the funds that have been obtained and subsequently as a form of disseminating research results among researchers. Furthermore, this seminar will continue with the dissemination of research results to the wider community.

The event continued with the presentation of material. Researchers are given the opportunity to alternately present the results of their research. The activity ended with the responses given by the presenters.

The purpose of this seminar is to provide information about the achievements or results of research that has been carried out by researchers and to obtain input in the process of improving research that may be applied in research and community service in the future, with the hope that this seminar can be mutually beneficial. motivate researchers and seminar participants to improve the quality and quantity of research as a form of lecturer development in implementing the tri dharma of higher education and through this seminar it is expected to motivate lecturers or researchers in collaborating with colleagues, designing, implementing and conducting collaborative and participatory research.

Seminar on K3 Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang

The level of occupational safety and health (K3) of employees is very much needed when employees carry out work activities. Especially for employees who work in a work environment that has a high risk of safety and health, because work safety in the company is not only caused by the system that has been implemented by the company but also the awareness of every individual to avoid work accidents. The risk of accidents at work is still very high, regardless of the type of work, whether in the field or in the office. This can be seen from the number of work accidents in a number of companies. Occupational Health and Safety (K3) is our effort to create a healthy and safe work environment, so as to reduce the probability of work accidents/diseases due to negligence that result in demotivation and deficiency in work productivity.

Coinciding with the closing of the lively engineering week volume III, on Saturday, December 11, 2021, the Executive Board of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang held a Seminar on Occupational Safety and Health (K3), with the theme “Increasing Student Awareness of the Importance of K3 To Realize Zero Accident to Create Professionalism Work”. The activity, which was held at the South Sumatra Province Teacher Building, was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean, Heads of Study Programs in the Faculty of Engineering, students and invited guests. The seminar which was attended by 70 participants used a blended learning system, namely online and offline.

UPRIP Chancellor in this case represented by Adiguna, ST, M.Si said, this K3 seminar is one of UPGRIP’s dedication as a university that cares about work safety and the importance of awareness about K3, In his speech Adiguna, ST, M.Si said this event aims to increase students’ insight about K3 and can implement what has been obtained in the world of work. “Although there are many obstacles in the implementation of the seminar, but all can be carried out well. Hopefully all this can be a lesson learned and this seminar will be a capital for students to go into the field and hopefully in the future they will be more successful in all things”, said Adiguna closing his remarks.

By presenting speakers who are competent in the field of Occupational Safety and Health (K3), namely Tiranda, ST (K3 Supervisor of the South Sumatra Province Manpower Office) with material on K3 Basic Training, Mahmud Anshory, S.KM (HSSE Officer Pertamina RU III Plaju) with material Implementation of HSSE in the Oil and Gas Industry and the last material was delivered by Sandly Anthony (K3 Officer at PT. Surveyor Indonesia Jakarta) with material on the application of SMK3 in the Company.

This K3 seminar aims, among other things: to increase awareness about work safety which is also needed as a provision for future students when working later To equip, improve and develop skills regarding K3, usually about work implementation procedures and knowledge about the hazards that exist in environment and their prevention and to reduce the number of accidents and occupational diseases.

The seminar activities carried out by students were closed with a question and answer session and the presentation of certificates to the speakers.

Seminar on Digital Literacy Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Engineering, University Of PGRI Palembang

In order to support the acceleration of digital transformation, capacity building, awareness, and dissemination of the use of digital technology so that people can use the internet correctly and responsibly, the knowledge and understanding of the millennial generation regarding digital literacy is very necessary for everyone. Digital literacy means an individual’s interest, attitude, and ability to use digital technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate, analyze, and evaluate information, build new knowledge, create, and communicate with others. Digital literacy also means a person’s ability and insight in the aspect of using digital technology, communication tools, creating and evaluating information in a healthy and careful manner and obeying the law in life, the ability and knowledge to use digital means wisely and appropriately. Digital literacy is important because it can make a person able to think critically, creatively, and innovatively, solve problems, communicate more smoothly, and collaborate with more people.

In order to support government programs and as one of the activities of the Engineering Festival Volume III organized by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang, on Monday, December 6, 2021 at the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, BEM FT has held a seminar digital literacy. With the theme “Providing Positive Understanding for Students in Social Media”, the seminar was conducted in a blended manner (offline and online).

Moderated by Dedi Tri Kurniawan, the BEM FT digital literacy seminar presented competent speakers in their respective fields. The speakers at this activity were 1. Adiguna, ST, M.Si (Dean of FT. UPGRIP) with material on Digital Ethics, 2. Guntur Malian, SH, MH (KPID Prov. Sumsel) with material on Digital Culture, 3. Andi Leo, ST with Digital Skills material.

In his presentation Adiguna, S.T., M.Si as the first resource person explained that ethics means the science of what is good or bad about moral rights and obligations. “Along with digital developments around the world, digital ethics in each country depends on the diversity that exists in each of these countries, it depends on the place or location, culture, generation and age level. Whatever we will do in the digital world must always be guided by the applicable moral rules. Be wise in social media,” said Adiguna. Then the event continued with listening to material from the second resource person, Mr. Guntur Malian, S.H., M.H who in his brief presentation said, “Digital culture is important to give boundaries to the public in spreading news and whether we are ready or not, we must know how to follow digital broadcasts. The objectives of the digital broadcast system include: efficient use of frequency spectrum, efficiency of broadcasting industry infrastructure, improvement of broadcast quality and growth of the content industry”. Meanwhile, in digital skills, Andi Leo, S.T said “We have to know and master anything related to the digital world. By utilizing digital, it can help us in terms of time and energy efficiency and have a wider scope in disseminating or receiving information.

The BEM digital literacy seminar of the Faculty of Engineering was closed with a question and answer event between participants and resource persons as well as giving souvenirs to the speakers and the moderator of the event.

Opening of the Lively Techniques Week Volume III

The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Engineering, PGRI University Palembang, on Monday, December 6, 2021, held the opening of Volume III of the Engineering Festival at the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang. The event, which was held using a hybrid system, was attended by the Dean and accompanied by the Deputy Dean and the Head of the Faculty of Engineering, General Chairperson of MPM UPGRIP and their ranks, President of BEM UPGRIP and their ranks, Chair of DPM Faculty of Engineering UPGRIP and all management of BEM Faculty of Engineering and invited guests. either present in person or through the zoom application.

The event opened with the reading of the holy Qur’an which was echoed by Ahmad Dahlan’s brother and then sang the national anthem Indonesia Raya. The event was continued with a report on the planned activities of the 3rd edition of the Technical Festival by the chairman of the committee, Wiran Sahadi. Entering the next event, there was a speech from the chairman of the BEM Wahyu Dwi Nanda, which was followed by remarks from the Chancellor of the University of PGRI Palembang on this occasion represented by Adiguna, S.T., M.Si who was also the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the same time opening and inaugurated the Volume III of Engineering Festival.

In his remarks, Wiran Sahadi gave a report on the details of the activities to be carried out to celebrate the Engineering Week. Meanwhile, Wahyu Dwi Nanda in his remarks said, “Engineering Weekend is an annual event organized by the BEM of the Faculty of Engineering, which this year is entering its third year after a long hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you to the University of PGRI Palembang, especially to the Faculty of Engineering for their support and support so that this activity can be held. It is hoped that the BEM of the Faculty of Engineering can continue to synergize with PGRI Palembang University for future activities.” Then Adiguna, S.T., M.Si in his speech said, “It is a pleasure on behalf of the University of PGRI Palembang and especially the Faculty of Engineering today to be able to inaugurate the opening of the technical festival. All of this was made possible thanks to the hard work of the entire management of the BEM of the Faculty of Engineering and hopefully this momentum can be used for the development of the BEM of the Faculty of Engineering in a better direction in terms of implementing an activity in the future. Congratulations on holding this activity, and hopefully all the activities planned by the BEM of the Faculty of Engineering can be carried out smoothly without any problems. With this, the Semarak Teknik Week is officially opened”, said Adiguna S.T., M.Si ending his speech.

The opening ceremony of the Volume III of the Mechanical Excitement Week was closed with a prayer and a group photo.