Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang Participate in the 2021 BKD Workshop Based on the Integrated Resource Information System (SISTER)

BKD or the workload of lecturers is basically a detailed report on the activities of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education carried out by lecturers. The contents of the Tri Dharma include educational and teaching activities, research activities, community service activities, and also supporting the Tri Dharma activities. The existence of provisions and arrangements for the workload of lecturers aims to divide the duties of lecturers proportionally. So that all duties and responsibilities as stated in the Tri Dharma can still be carried out according to applicable regulations. In the end, all these tasks can be carried out and completed by each lecturer.

Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang, on Tuesday, August 24, 2021, participated in the Equal Perception Workshop on filling out BKD within the PGRI Palembang University and LLDIKTI area 2 online. The materials presented in this activity are: 1. BKD 2021 policy directions, 2. 2021 BKD services (assessors and lecturers), 3. BKD Operational Guidelines Matrix (PO) 2021, 4. BKD 2021 Rubric.

It is hoped that with this workshop, lecturers will get operational guidelines in the preparation of BKD, the quality of education for higher education units is guaranteed, can increase lecturer accountability in carrying out their duties and obligations, improve assessor performance in terms of monitoring and evaluation and improve lecturer performance in careers.
