Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) Faculty of Engineering 2021-2022

Before entering campus life, new students must go through orientation activities or commonly called Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) first. This activity aims to introduce new students to the campus atmosphere, friends, seniors, to lecturers and education staff. This year, the PKKMB is carried out online to prevent the spread of the corona virus, this is in accordance with the implementation of the health protocol required by the government. Although it is carried out online, it still does not reduce the essence of the PKKMB. The Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang, on Friday, September 10, 2021, carried out PKKMB online via the Zoom application, located in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, 1st floor of Building D. The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering attended. Adiguna, ST., M.Sc., Vice Dean of FT. Aan Sefentry, ST., MT., Kaprodi., lecturers, staff and all FT Educational Personnel. and all new students of FT. PGRI Palembang University.

The event was started with remarks from the chief executive of PKKMB FT Aan Sefentry, ST., MT. Then followed by a speech by the Dean of FT. Adiguna, ST., M.Si. In his remarks, the Dean said “thank you to the entire academic community of the Faculty of Engineering for their time and contribution so that this event can be carried out. The hope is for new students to always be diligent and enthusiastic in the learning process and hopefully the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang can produce graduates who have qualified skills and are able to compete with other universities in entering the world of work”. After giving a speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering also had the opportunity to introduce all the managers of the Academic Community of the Faculty of Engineering and at the same time open the PKKMB of the Faculty of Engineering.

Entering the next event, namely delivering material, acting as the first resource person, Adiguna, ST., M.Sc., gave an explanation of the Directions and Policies of the Faculty of Engineering. Then the second material acted as resource person Aan Sefentry, ST., MT., explaining about the Student Creativity and Innovation Program. The third material with resource person Muhrinsyah Fatimura, ST., MT delivered material on the Outline of the Independent Campus Curriculum in the Faculty of Engineering. After Ishoma, the event continued with the fourth material appearing as resource person. Amiwarti, ST., MT delivered material on the Role of Academic Advisors. Followed by the fifth material regarding Introduction to Online-Offline Lecture Systems at the Faculty of Engineering, information systems (SISFO) and Faculty Web Info and Academic Activities in the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang which was conveyed by Emidiana, ST., MT as a resource person.

After delivering the material, the event was continued by students who gave explanations and introduced the Student Advisory Council (DPM), Student Executive Board (BEM) and Study Program Student Association (HMPS) FT with material on organizational structure and activities around DPM, BEM and HMPS FT. After all the events took place in a friendly, meaningful atmosphere and quite active interaction, the PKKMB of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang was officially closed by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.
