Sempro or seminar proposals are an integral part of the process of preparing theses, theses and dissertations. The scientific work is a mandatory requirement for completing lectures, so it must be prepared properly and correctly. What is meant by sempro is the submission of a research plan that is presented to the supervisor and examiner lecturers for evaluation. The aim is to assist students in preparing a thesis so that the research direction is correct, identify research topics, formulate hypotheses understand research background, develop or adapt appropriate methods. While the results seminar is an academic activity carried out by students after completing research data collection activities and carried out before submitting a thesis exam. Seminar on thesis results needs to be submitted by students as one of the requirements to obtain a bachelor’s degree.
The Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Civil Engineering, PGRI University Palembang, on Wednesday and Thursday (08/06/2023) even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year held a Thesis Proposal Seminar and Results Seminar which was held in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, 2nd Floor Building D, PGRI University Palembang.
The thesis proposal seminar was attended by 7 (seven) participants, namely: 1. Meiyando Alparabi, 2. Alfin Pratama, 3. Afriyadi, 4. Hubaidillah, 5. Ratna Palupi, 6. Arya Raihan A, 7. Putra Ari Akbar, with examiner lecturer : 1. Ir. Amiwarti, S.T., M.T., 2 Ir. Herri Purwanto, S.T., M.T., IPM., 3. Adiguna, S.T., M.Sc., 4. Agus Setiobudi, S.T., M.Sc. While the results seminar was attended by 8 (eight) participants, namely: 1. Bilal Habillah, 2. Delvia Selennatika, 3. Fitrahul Qolby, 4. Sela Eriani, 5. Riski Al Afis, 6. Fery Firnando, 7. Guntur Gunawan, with examiner lecturers consist of: 1. Ir. Herri Purwanto, S.T., M.T., IPM., 2. Ir. Amiwarti, S.T., M.T, 3. Dr. M. Firdaus, M.T., 4. Agus Setiobudi, S.T., M.Sc., 5. Reffanda Kurniawan, S.T., M.M.