Cool! Students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program Achieved in the Fields of Education and Sports

Student with Achievement is a nickname for students who have achievements and contribute a lot to the environment around them. Becoming a Mapres is of course not an easy thing, it takes effort and hard struggle from the time he enters college. Becoming an Outstanding Student is a matter of pride for anyone who holds that title. When the title of outstanding student is awarded to a student, the student develops two mandates at once. The mandate to maintain the honor of this title and the mandate to continue to maintain and increase the achievements and contributions that have been achieved.

Students of the Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, carved gold ink by successfully showing their achievements in the Campus Teaching Program Batch 6 of 2023 on behalf of Sheska Audira Salam Brande Fretes, which was organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, and then Ahmad Izzan won second place in Pencak Silat at Fornas VII 2023 West Java.

Hopefully the success of the two students can spur other students to compete with each other in achievement.

Workshop on Joint Accreditation of LAM Engineering

Accreditation is an assessment activity according to predetermined criteria based on higher education national standards, which include education standards, research standards, and community service standards. Accreditation is given to universities and study programs. Accreditation is also an external quality assurance system as part of a higher education quality assurance system, which aims to determine the feasibility of study programs and tertiary institutions based on criteria that refer to the National Higher Education Standards; and externally guaranteeing the quality of study programs and tertiary institutions in both the academic and non-academic fields to protect the interests of students and society.

The Faculty of Engineering, Palembang PGRI University (FT. UPGRIP) has held an Accreditation Workshop with Engineering LAMs, with the theme “Tips Towards Superior Accreditation with Engineering LAMs”. This activity lasted for 2 days, Monday-Tuesday (26-27/6/2023) in the Hall of Drs. H. Aidil Fitri Syah, M.M, 5th floor of the Business and Science Center Building. By presenting a guest speaker, the Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Indonesian Islamic University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hari Purnomo., M.T., IPU., ASEAN. Eng. The activity participants consisted of all lecturers and students from all study programs within the Faculty of Engineering and the PGRI University Palembang Internal Assessor Team.

Present at the event was the Chairperson of PGRI South Sumatra Province as well as the Supervisor of BPH PB PGRI at Palembang PGRI University H. Ahmad Zulinto, S.Pd., M.M., Chair of BPH PB PGRI at Palembang PGRI University Dr. Hj. Meilia Rosani, S.H., M.H., Head of BPH PB PGRI at PGRI University Lubuk Linggau Drs. H. Lukman Haris, M.Sc., Chancellor of Palembang PGRI University Dr. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M.Sc., CIQaR., Deputy Rector II Dr. Yasir Arafat, M.M., CIQaR., Deputy Rector III Assoc. Prof. Drs. Sukardi, M.Pd., Head of AUPK3ORTALA Bureau Ramanata Disurya, S.H., M.H., Head of BPM Dian Nuzulia Armariena, M.Pd., Internal Assessor Team of PGRI Palembang University, Deans, Postgraduate Director, lecturers, staff and managers within the Faculty of Engineering Palembang PGRI University, participants, alumni, and other invited guests.

The event was opened with an activity report by the Chancellor of PGRI Palembang University, Dr. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M.Sc., CIQaR, who in his report and direction explained briefly about Palembang PGRI University, including FKIP, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs and the Postgraduate Program. Apart from that, on this occasion, the Chancellor said that this workshop would help the Faculty of Engineering, Palembang PGRI University to improve and prepare for accreditation. Starting from being able to further compile what is done, what is being done, then reported and evaluated so that later what is evaluated by LAM becomes material for the sustainability of existing study programs and increases understanding and strategy of leaders and the field of quality assurance both at institutions and at the regional level . “In the preparation of LKPS and LED study programs with this workshop, it will be well structured and well administered as well. Thanks and deepest appreciation to the guest speaker Prof. Dr. Ir. Hari Purnomo., M.T., IPU., ASEAN. Eng. who will provide guidance, teaching, new insights and perspectives to students and lecturers as well as all participants. And hopefully the material provided is useful.

Then it was followed by remarks from the Chairperson of the South Sumatra Province PGRI as well as the Supervisor of the BPH PB PGRI at Palembang PGRI University H. Ahmad Zulinto, S.Pd., M.M. “Hopefully, with guidance from the resource person, many things can be learned so that it will bring changes to the engineering faculty. To make accreditation superior we need to fight, so I thank and appreciate the Chancellor and BPH because today an accreditation training workshop can be held. Lots of instruments that must be understood and fulfilled. With the presence of Prof. Dr. Ir. Hari Purnomo., M.T., IPU., ASEAN. We really have to put it to good use. It takes seriousness and obedience in participating in this workshop so that at the time of accreditation later all the required instruments can be properly fulfilled. The hope is that the accreditation of the engineering faculty will really be superior and produce excellent scholars so that public trust will increase,” said H. Ahmad Zulinto, S.Pd., M.M ending his remarks.

Then the event continued with the beating of the gong by the Head of BPH PG PGRI at UPGRIP Dr. Hj. Meilia Rosani, S.H., M.H as a sign of the commencement of the accreditation workshop with LAM Teknik, followed by the handing over of certificates to the speakers and taking a group photo.

The material discussed at the workshop included: 1. The Role of Students in Supporting the Improvement of Study Program Accreditation with moderator Dr. H. Muhammad Firdaus, S.T., M.T., IPM., 2. Strategy Towards Superior Accreditation Under the LAM Engineering (Electrical Engineering Study Program) moderated by Dr. H. Muhammad Firdaus, S.T., M.T., IPM., 3. Strategy Towards Superior Accreditation Under the LAM Engineering (Civil Engineering Study Program and Chemical Engineering Study Program) moderated by Reno Fitriyanti, S.T., M.Sc.

After the presentation of the material by the resource person ends, the next session is a discussion between the resource person and the participants. All participants could ask questions about anything related to the material and these questions were answered in detail by the resource persons. On this occasion, it was seen that the participants, lecturers, students and invited guests, had discussions with the speakers with great enthusiasm. This was proven by the number of questioners, this showed that the material provided by the resource person was sufficient to motivate the participants.

The aims of this workshop are: 1. To provide an understanding of the updated accreditation system with new criteria and weighting, 2. To increase the understanding and strategy of leaders and the field of quality assurance both at the institution and at the regional level so that they can help and assist members in the accreditation process so that can assist members in preparing for accreditation of study programs and improve the achievement of accreditation of all study programs, especially in engineering, 3. It is hoped that participants will be able to know and understand updated policies regarding the latest accreditation of higher education and technical study programs, 4. Carry out the roles, functions and duties of the leadership , the person in charge of accreditation and the person in charge of standards with the latest criteria.

Results Seminar and Factory Design Task Seminar Chemical Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering, PGRI University Palembang Even Semester Academic Year 2022/2023

The results seminar is an academic activity carried out by students after completing research data collection activities and carried out before submitting a thesis exam. Seminar on thesis results needs to be submitted by students as one of the requirements to obtain a bachelor’s degree. As for what is meant by the factory design task seminar is the final task that must be completed by every student of the Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, PGRI Palembang University as a prerequisite for completing undergraduate studies. With this assignment, it is hoped that reasoning abilities and the application of theories that have been obtained during college can develop and be well understood.

The Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, PGRI University Palembang, on Saturday (24/06/2023) even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year held a Results Seminar and Factory Design Task Seminar which were held in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, 2nd Floor Building D, PGRI University Palembang.

The seminar on the results of the Chemical Engineering Study Program was attended by 6 (six) participants, namely: 1. Rizka Aprilia, 2. Asep Angga P, 3. Aditya Regisyahputra, 4. Ikke Febri Yenika, 5. Kemal Sanjaya P, 6. Sheila Anggraini, with the team examiners: 1. Rully Masriatini, M.T., 2. Ir. Agus Wahyudi, M.M., 3. Aan Sefentry, M.T., 4. Dr. Ian Kurniawan, M.Eng., IPM., 5. Reno Fitriyanti, S.T., M,Sc., 6. Nurlela, S.T., M.T., 7, Dr. Ir. Muhammad Bakrie, M.T., 8. Dr. Ir. Neny Rochyani, M.T., IPM., 9. Husnah, M.T., 10. Dr. Nabila Aprianti, S.T., 11. Muhrinsyah Fatimura, M.T.

Factory Design Task Seminar was attended by 1 (one) participant, namely: Anja Meiranda, , with a team of examiners: 1. Muhrinsyah Fatimura, M.T., 2. Husnah, M.T., 3. Ir. Agus Wahyudi, M.M., 4. Rully Masriatini, M.T., 5. Aan Sefentry, M.T., 6. Reno Fitriyanti, S.T., M.Si.

Seminar on Results of Study Program in Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang Even Semester 2022/2023 Academic Year

The results seminar is an academic activity carried out by students after completing research data collection activities and carried out before submitting a thesis exam. Seminar on thesis results needs to be submitted by students as one of the requirements to obtain a bachelor’s degree.

The Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang, on Friday 23/06/2023) even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year held a Results Seminar which was held in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, Floor 2, Building D, Universitas PGRI Palembang.

The seminar on the results of the Electrical Engineering Study Program was attended by 6 (six) participants, namely: 1. Irwan Irhamsyah, 2. Aldo Goshen Pratama, 3. M. Yoga Primary, 4. Eko Prayoga, 5. Wahyu Dwi Nanda, 6. Joni Saputra. With a team of examiners consisting of: 1. Emidiana, S.T., M.T., 2. Abdul Azis, S.T., M.T., 3. Nita Nurdiana, S.T., M.T., 4. Irine Kartika P, S.T., M.T., 5. Yudi Irwansi, S.T., M.T.

Electrical Engineering Study Program Accreditation Form Meeting

The study program accreditation form is a tool or instrument for gathering information regarding the performance of study programs at state universities, official colleges, religious colleges, and private universities in the context of quality control of all higher education institutions in Indonesia.

The form is filled out by a work team formed and given an SK by the head of the study program management unit. The work team must consist of elements from management units and study programs specifically assigned to prepare data/information and fill out forms. This is very important because the substance of the form will show the link between management at the study program level and at the management unit level.

The Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang held a meeting of accreditation forms for the Electrical Engineering study program, on Monday (19/06/2023), at the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, floor 2, Building D, University of PGRI Palembang. The meeting chaired by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Ir. Amiwarti, S.T., M.T and attended by Deputy Dean Abdul Azis, S.T., M.T., Head of the Faculty Quality Assurance Group Muhrinsyah Fatimura, S.T., M.T, Head of the Emidiana Electrical Engineering Study Program, S.T., M.T., Head of the Chemical Engineering Study Program Rully Masriatini., S.T. , M.T., Head of the Civil Engineering Study Program Ir. Herri Purwanto, S.T., M.T., IPM., Head of the Electrical Study Program Laboratory Irine Kartika Pebrianti, S.T., M.T., Head of the Chemistry Study Program Laboratory Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T., Dr. Ian Kurniawan, S.T., M.Eng., IPM., Nita Nurdiana, S.T., M.T., Perawati, S.T., M.T., Yudi Irwansi, S.T., M.T.

The meeting for the preparation of accreditation forms is one of the efforts of the Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang in ensuring that the study programs in the faculty, in this case the electrical engineering study program, can meet the quality standards set by the government through LAM Engineering. Through this activity, it is hoped that a quality study program will be created and can produce graduates who have abilities in accordance with the study program being taught.

Proposal Seminar and Factory Design Task Seminar Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, PGRI University Palembang Even Semester Academic Year 2022/2023

Sempro or seminar proposals are an integral part of the process of preparing theses, theses and dissertations. The scientific work is a mandatory requirement for completing lectures, so it must be prepared properly and correctly. What is meant by sempro is the submission of a research plan that is presented to the supervisor and examiner lecturers for evaluation. The aim is to assist students in preparing their thesis so that the direction of their research is correct, identify research topics, formulate hypotheses, understand the research background, develop or adapt appropriate methods. As for what is meant by the factory design task seminar is the final task that must be completed by every student of the Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, PGRI Palembang University as a prerequisite for completing undergraduate studies. With this assignment, it is hoped that reasoning abilities and the application of theories that have been obtained during college can develop and be well understood.

The Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang on Friday (16/06/2023) held a Seminar on Proposals and Seminar on Factory Design Tasks which took place in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, Building D, Floor 2, Universitas PGRI Palembang.

The Proposal Seminar was attended by 2 (two) participants, namely: 1. Rizka Aprilia, 2. Anja Meiranda, with a team of examiners: 1. Rully Masriatini, M.T., 2. Ir. Agus Wahyudi, M.M., 3. Muhrinsyah Fatimura, M.T., 4. Nurlela, M.T.

Factory Design Task Seminar was attended by 5 (five) participants, namely: 1. Emilia Juwita, 2. Anja Meiranda, 3. Aditya R, 4. Suci Anjayani, 5. Rizka Aprilia, with a team of examiners: 1. Ir. Agus Wahyudi, M.M., 2. Rully Masriatini, M.T., 3. Aan Sefentry, M.T., 4. Nurlela, S.T., M.T., 5. Reno Fitriyanti, M.T., 6. Muhrinsyah Fatimura, M.T., 7. Husnah, M.T.

Socialization of New Student Admissions for the Chemical Engineering Study Program

In order to provide learning opportunities for all children who wish to continue to a higher level, in this case to tertiary institutions, the Chemical Engineering Study Program, the Faculty of Engineering, carries out Socialization activities for Admission of New Students for the 2023-2024 Academic Year.

The socialization activities carried out online were led directly by the Head of the Chemical Engineering Study Program Rully Masriatini, S.T., M.T and attended by Lecturer in Chemical Engineering Muhrinsyah Fatimura, S.T., M.T., Dr. Ian Kurniawan, S.T., M.Eng., IPM., Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T., Nurlela, S.T., M.T., Dr. Nabila Aprianti, S.T along with 30 prospective new students from Medan PTKI Polytechnic, Palembang Oil and Gas Aka Polytechnic, ATI Padang Polytechnic and Palembang Sriwijaya Polytechnic, on Saturday (10/06/2023) at the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, 2nd floor of the Building D PGRI Palembang University.

The socialization event which took place seriously but relaxed and took place enthusiastically ended with a question and answer session.

It is hoped that through this activity, prospective new students in the region can obtain complete information regarding how to register, tuition fees, value conversion, lecture system and be motivated to continue higher education in the Chemical Engineering Study Program.

Accreditation Workshop Consolidation Meeting

Accreditation is an assessment activity according to predetermined criteria based on higher education national standards, which include education standards, research standards, and community service standards. Accreditation is given to universities and study programs. Accreditation is also an external quality assurance system as part of a higher education quality assurance system, which aims to determine the feasibility of study programs and tertiary institutions based on criteria that refer to the National Higher Education Standards; and externally guaranteeing the quality of study programs and tertiary institutions in both the academic and non-academic fields to protect the interests of students and society.

The Faculty of Engineering, Palembang PGRI University held an accreditation workshop strengthening meeting. The meeting chaired by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Ir. Amiwarti, S.T., M.T and also attended by Deputy Dean Abdul Azis, S.T., M.T., Head of the Faculty Quality Assurance Group Muhrinsyah Fatimura, S.T., M.T, Head of the Emidiana Electrical Engineering Study Program, S.T., M.T., Head of the Chemical Engineering Study Program Rully Masriatini., S.T., M.T., Head of the Civil Engineering Study Program Ir. Herri Purwanto, S.T., M.T., IPM., Head of Division. Administrative Sri Mulyati, M.Pd., Heads of Subdivisions and Managers. On Friday (09/06/2023), it took place in the Dean’s room of the Faculty of Engineering, floor 1, Building D, Universitas PGRI Palembang.

The matters discussed at this meeting included: implementation schedule, implementation method, workshop participants and the determination of the workshop committee.

Seminar on Thesis Proposals and Seminar on Results of the Civil Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang Even Semester Academic Year 2022/2023

Sempro or seminar proposals are an integral part of the process of preparing theses, theses and dissertations. The scientific work is a mandatory requirement for completing lectures, so it must be prepared properly and correctly. What is meant by sempro is the submission of a research plan that is presented to the supervisor and examiner lecturers for evaluation. The aim is to assist students in preparing a thesis so that the research direction is correct, identify research topics, formulate hypotheses understand research background, develop or adapt appropriate methods. While the results seminar is an academic activity carried out by students after completing research data collection activities and carried out before submitting a thesis exam. Seminar on thesis results needs to be submitted by students as one of the requirements to obtain a bachelor’s degree.

The Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Civil Engineering, PGRI University Palembang, on Wednesday and Thursday (08/06/2023) even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year held a Thesis Proposal Seminar and Results Seminar which was held in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, 2nd Floor Building D, PGRI University Palembang.

The thesis proposal seminar was attended by 7 (seven) participants, namely: 1. Meiyando Alparabi, 2. Alfin Pratama, 3. Afriyadi, 4. Hubaidillah, 5. Ratna Palupi, 6. Arya Raihan A, 7. Putra Ari Akbar, with examiner lecturer : 1. Ir. Amiwarti, S.T., M.T., 2 Ir. Herri Purwanto, S.T., M.T., IPM., 3. Adiguna, S.T., M.Sc., 4. Agus Setiobudi, S.T., M.Sc. While the results seminar was attended by 8 (eight) participants, namely: 1. Bilal Habillah, 2. Delvia Selennatika, 3. Fitrahul Qolby, 4. Sela Eriani, 5. Riski Al Afis, 6. Fery Firnando, 7. Guntur Gunawan, with examiner lecturers consist of: 1. Ir. Herri Purwanto, S.T., M.T., IPM., 2. Ir. Amiwarti, S.T., M.T, 3. Dr. M. Firdaus, M.T., 4. Agus Setiobudi, S.T., M.Sc., 5. Reffanda Kurniawan, S.T., M.M.