Opening of the Lively Techniques Week Volume III
Opening of the Lively Techniques Week Volume III

The Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Engineering, PGRI University Palembang, on Monday, December 6, 2021, held the opening of Volume III of the Engineering Festival at the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang. The event, which was held using a hybrid system, was attended by the Dean and accompanied by the Deputy Dean and the Head of the Faculty of Engineering, General Chairperson of MPM UPGRIP and their ranks, President of BEM UPGRIP and their ranks, Chair of DPM Faculty of Engineering UPGRIP and all management of BEM Faculty of Engineering and invited guests. either present in person or through the zoom application.

The event opened with the reading of the holy Qur’an which was echoed by Ahmad Dahlan’s brother and then sang the national anthem Indonesia Raya. The event was continued with a report on the planned activities of the 3rd edition of the Technical Festival by the chairman of the committee, Wiran Sahadi. Entering the next event, there was a speech from the chairman of the BEM Wahyu Dwi Nanda, which was followed by remarks from the Chancellor of the University of PGRI Palembang on this occasion represented by Adiguna, S.T., M.Si who was also the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the same time opening and inaugurated the Volume III of Engineering Festival.

In his remarks, Wiran Sahadi gave a report on the details of the activities to be carried out to celebrate the Engineering Week. Meanwhile, Wahyu Dwi Nanda in his remarks said, “Engineering Weekend is an annual event organized by the BEM of the Faculty of Engineering, which this year is entering its third year after a long hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you to the University of PGRI Palembang, especially to the Faculty of Engineering for their support and support so that this activity can be held. It is hoped that the BEM of the Faculty of Engineering can continue to synergize with PGRI Palembang University for future activities.” Then Adiguna, S.T., M.Si in his speech said, “It is a pleasure on behalf of the University of PGRI Palembang and especially the Faculty of Engineering today to be able to inaugurate the opening of the technical festival. All of this was made possible thanks to the hard work of the entire management of the BEM of the Faculty of Engineering and hopefully this momentum can be used for the development of the BEM of the Faculty of Engineering in a better direction in terms of implementing an activity in the future. Congratulations on holding this activity, and hopefully all the activities planned by the BEM of the Faculty of Engineering can be carried out smoothly without any problems. With this, the Semarak Teknik Week is officially opened”, said Adiguna S.T., M.Si ending his speech.

The opening ceremony of the Volume III of the Mechanical Excitement Week was closed with a prayer and a group photo.