Seminar on Digital Literacy Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Engineering, University Of PGRI Palembang
Seminar on Digital Literacy Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Engineering, University Of PGRI Palembang

In order to support the acceleration of digital transformation, capacity building, awareness, and dissemination of the use of digital technology so that people can use the internet correctly and responsibly, the knowledge and understanding of the millennial generation regarding digital literacy is very necessary for everyone. Digital literacy means an individual’s interest, attitude, and ability to use digital technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate, analyze, and evaluate information, build new knowledge, create, and communicate with others. Digital literacy also means a person’s ability and insight in the aspect of using digital technology, communication tools, creating and evaluating information in a healthy and careful manner and obeying the law in life, the ability and knowledge to use digital means wisely and appropriately. Digital literacy is important because it can make a person able to think critically, creatively, and innovatively, solve problems, communicate more smoothly, and collaborate with more people.

In order to support government programs and as one of the activities of the Engineering Festival Volume III organized by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang, on Monday, December 6, 2021 at the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, BEM FT has held a seminar digital literacy. With the theme “Providing Positive Understanding for Students in Social Media”, the seminar was conducted in a blended manner (offline and online).

Moderated by Dedi Tri Kurniawan, the BEM FT digital literacy seminar presented competent speakers in their respective fields. The speakers at this activity were 1. Adiguna, ST, M.Si (Dean of FT. UPGRIP) with material on Digital Ethics, 2. Guntur Malian, SH, MH (KPID Prov. Sumsel) with material on Digital Culture, 3. Andi Leo, ST with Digital Skills material.

In his presentation Adiguna, S.T., M.Si as the first resource person explained that ethics means the science of what is good or bad about moral rights and obligations. “Along with digital developments around the world, digital ethics in each country depends on the diversity that exists in each of these countries, it depends on the place or location, culture, generation and age level. Whatever we will do in the digital world must always be guided by the applicable moral rules. Be wise in social media,” said Adiguna. Then the event continued with listening to material from the second resource person, Mr. Guntur Malian, S.H., M.H who in his brief presentation said, “Digital culture is important to give boundaries to the public in spreading news and whether we are ready or not, we must know how to follow digital broadcasts. The objectives of the digital broadcast system include: efficient use of frequency spectrum, efficiency of broadcasting industry infrastructure, improvement of broadcast quality and growth of the content industry”. Meanwhile, in digital skills, Andi Leo, S.T said “We have to know and master anything related to the digital world. By utilizing digital, it can help us in terms of time and energy efficiency and have a wider scope in disseminating or receiving information.

The BEM digital literacy seminar of the Faculty of Engineering was closed with a question and answer event between participants and resource persons as well as giving souvenirs to the speakers and the moderator of the event.