The Participation of Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering in the Seminar on Research Results of Lecturers of Internal Grants at the University of PGRI Palembang for the 2021 Fiscal Year
The Participation of Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering in the Seminar on Research Results of Lecturers of Internal Grants at the University of PGRI Palembang for the 2021 Fiscal Year

The Participation of Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering in the Seminar on Research Results of Lecturers of Internal Grants at the University of PGRI Palembang for the 2021 Fiscal Year

Research is essentially a scientific activity that can be used as one of the lecturers’ development and can be accounted for, because the research conducted by lecturers is based on problems that occur in the object of research and community service itself. As part of the implementation and reporting of research, each researcher is required to make achievements or results documents and carry out results seminars in the last year of implementation.

Given the importance of this, LPPKM Universitas PGRI Palembang held a Seminar on Research Results for Lecturers of Internal Grants for the 2021 Anngaran Year. This activity was attended by lecturers who received research grants and was carried out for 1 day, namely December 13, 2021 at Auditorium 406 floor IV Business and Science Center Building University PGRI Palembang. The Faculty of Engineering takes an active role in this activity by involving its lecturers, namely: Ir. M. Saleh Al Amin, M.T., Nita Nurdiana, S.T., M.T., Ir. Muhammad Bakrie, MT, Aan Sefentry, ST, MT, Herri Purwanto, ST, MT, and Agus Setiobudi, ST, MT who acted as speakers, then Emidiana, ST, MT, Irine Kartika F, MT, Yudi Irwansi, MT, Abdul Aziz, MT, Nurse, MT, Muhrinsyah Fatimura, MT, Nurlela, MT, Rully Masriatini, MT, Ir. Agus Wahyudi, MM, Reno Fitriyanti, ST, M.Sc., Husnah, MT, Amiwarti, ST, MT and Reffanda Kurniawan, ST, MM acted as participants while acting as Discussants Adiguna, ST, M.Sc., Aan Sefentry, ST, MT, and Dr. M. Firdaus, S.T., M.T. In the 2021 fiscal year, engineering faculty lecturers will receive 6 research grant titles.

The event which was opened directly by the Chancellor of the University of PGRI Palembang, Dr. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M.Sc., CIQaR and was attended by Vice Chancellor III Drs. Sukardi, M.Pd., Head of LPPKM Dr. Rohana, M.Pd., All Deans and Research Lecturers at the University of PGRI Palembang. In his speech Dr. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M.Si., CIQaR said that this activity is a form of responsibility of researchers for the funds that have been obtained and subsequently as a form of disseminating research results among researchers. Furthermore, this seminar will continue with the dissemination of research results to the wider community.

The event continued with the presentation of material. Researchers are given the opportunity to alternately present the results of their research. The activity ended with the responses given by the presenters.

The purpose of this seminar is to provide information about the achievements or results of research that has been carried out by researchers and to obtain input in the process of improving research that may be applied in research and community service in the future, with the hope that this seminar can be mutually beneficial. motivate researchers and seminar participants to improve the quality and quantity of research as a form of lecturer development in implementing the tri dharma of higher education and through this seminar it is expected to motivate lecturers or researchers in collaborating with colleagues, designing, implementing and conducting collaborative and participatory research.