Participation of Faculty of Engineering Lecturers in Assistance Event for Preparation of PPKP PNSD Lecturers Dpk Within LLDIKTI Region II
Participation of Faculty of Engineering Lecturers in Assistance Event for Preparation of PPKP PNSD Lecturers Dpk Within LLDIKTI Region II
Every Civil Servant (PNS) has Main Duties and Functions as standards and guidelines in carrying out work. There is a need for a monitoring mechanism to address this matter. In an effort to harmonize the implementation of the main tasks of each Civil Servant (PNS), a control is needed on this matter. Employee Work Performance Assessment (PPKP) is a control tool so that every activity in carrying out the main tasks by each civil servant is in line with the objectives set in the Strategic Plan and Work Plan of the Organization or Institution.

LLDIKTI Region II provides Assistance in the Preparation of PPKP PNSD Lecturers Dpk. The event which lasted for two days was held on Tuesday/Wednesday, 21/22December 2021 at the Drs. H. Aidil Fitrisyah, M.M 5th floor of the Business and Science Center Building, Universitas PGRI Palembang, was attended by the Head of LLDIKTI Region II, who at the same time opened the event and gave a speech by Prof. Yuliansyah, S.E., MSA., Ph.D., Akt., CA., along with his staff, Rector of PGRI University Plg Dr. H. Bukman Lian, MM, M.Si, CIQaR along with the ranks and participants from Muhammadiyah University of Palembang, Bina Darma University, Kader Bangsa University and STIE Serelo. A total of 38 PNSD Lecturers in the PGRI Palembang University took part in the event, three of them were PNSD Lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering, namely: Ir. Muhammmad Bakri, M.T., Adiguna, S.T., M.Si and Muhrinsyah Patimura, S.T., M.T.
It is hoped that with assistance in the preparation of PPKP, PNSD lecturers who take part in this event can have similarities in terms of making teaching implementation guidelines and employee performance targets to be taken.