Workshop on Writing Scientific Articles in Accredited National Journals and Reputable International Journals
Workshop on Writing Scientific Articles in Accredited National Journals and Reputable International Journals

The development of scientific work in Indonesia is relatively getting better and growing, especially since the enactment of government regulations that require and provide a very large portion of publication value in the assessment of lecturer research performance both for assessing lecturer workload, promotion or functional position of lecturers, as well as for program accreditation Studies and Institutions. This policy provides direction and objectives so that scientific publications for lecturers in Indonesia continue to be improved and reach the user community so that the findings from lecturer research are in the form of evidence (evidence/truth/facts/data) in the field both at the local, national and international levels can be utilized by the community user.

In an effort to increase the number of publications and improve the ability of university lecturers/researchers to write scientific articles that meet standard standards and to support the creation of good quality research, the Faculty of Engineering on Wednesday (01/25/2023) held a “Scientific Article Writing Workshop” in Accredited National Journals and Reputable International Journals”, which took place in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, 2nd floor of Building D, PGRI Palembang University and was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Amiwarti, S.T., M.T., Deputy Dean Abdul Azis, S.T., M.T and all permanent lecturers from all study programs within the Faculty of Engineering.
The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Amiwarti, S.T., M.T in his keynote speech said that this scientific article writing workshop was a good moment to increase lecturer productivity and publication performance. “The hope is that with the implementation of this workshop, existing lecturers will no longer have problems writing scientific articles in journals, so that they can improve the quality of writing scientific articles for publication in accredited national journals and reputable international journals. This will also have an impact on faculty and university accreditation. The reputation and credibility of a tertiary institution is largely determined by how much the academic community publishes in scientific journals, the more works that are published, the higher the reputation of the tertiary institution. Hopefully in the future the Faculty of Engineering will be even better”, said Amiwarti ending her remarks.
The event continued with the presentation of the material. Present as resource persons in this activity are lecturers who have competence in the field of writing national and international journals, namely Dr. Nabila Aprianti, S.T who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Palembang PGRI University. The material that will be presented in the training consists of: 1. Publishing in Sinta Journal, 2. Introduction to Attributes Regarding Publication in International Journals, 3. Tips for Choosing and Determining International Journals and Avoiding Predatory Journals, 4. Techniques for Writing and Preparing Manuscripts that are Good and Correct, 5. Preparation and Submitting Manuscripts to Journals International, 6. How to Revise and Respond to Reviewers, 7. Manuscript Review.

From the entire workshop process, the participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the activity until the end. The event was closed after a question and answer session and group photos.