Visit of BPH PB PGRI at PGRI University Palembang to the Faculty of Engineering
Visit of BPH PB PGRI at PGRI University Palembang to the Faculty of Engineering

In the context of gathering and coaching with managers and in connection with the election and inauguration of the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of PGRI Palembang for the term of 2022-2027, the Management of BPH PB PGRI at PGRI Palembang University made a visit to the engineering faculty.

Located in the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering, 2nd floor of Building D, PGRI University Palembang, on Friday (7/10/2022), the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Amiwarti, S.T., M.T was accompanied by the Deputy Dean Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T and the Head of the TU, Finance and Personnel Division Sri Mulyati, S.T., M.Pd received a visit from BPH PB PGRI at the University of PGRI Palembang which on this occasion was represented by Yulman Rosananda who also acted as the Supervisor of the Faculty of Engineering. Also present at the event were Head of GPM Reffanda Kurniawan, ST., M.M., Head of Electrical Engineering Study Program Emidiana, S.T., M.T., Head of Chemical Engineering Study Program Muhrinsyah Fatimura, S.T., M.T., Head of Civil Engineering Study Program Herri Purwanto, S.T., M.T., IPM., Head of Sub-department of Academic Administration , cooperation and student affairs Endang Kurniawan, S.T., Ka. Library unit Lusi Anita, S.E., Ka. Laboratory of Electrical Engineering Irine Kartika Pebrianti, S.T., M.T., Ka. Chemical Engineering Study Program Lab, Rully Masriatini, S.T., M.T and all managers of the Faculty of Engineering.

In his speech, Yulman Rosananda, S.T reminded that the engineering faculty should prepare and optimize the facilities and infrastructure they have properly, and be effective in carrying out their duties. “All existing managers carry out their duties in accordance with their respective tupoksi and it is hoped that all managers will work together in good and be willing to work together and work together. Eliminate all differences, now is the time to support the dean who has been elected,” concluded Yulman Rosananda, S.T ending his speech.