Visit of SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari Leko, Musi Banyuasin Regency to PGRI University Palembang
Visit of SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari Leko, Musi Banyuasin Regency to PGRI University Palembang

The lack of knowledge about the world of lectures and existing study programs often causes students to be confused in choosing an existing major. To bridge this issue, PGRI Palembang University, which is one of the favorite universities in Palembang City, on Wednesday, December 29, 2021, received a visit from students and teachers of SMA Negeri Batanghari Leko, Musi Banyuasin Regency. The students, who were mostly in grade 12, visited PGRI Palembang University in order to get to know more about the world of lectures and the study programs in it.

This school visit is an event to further introduce the campus environment that they will travel in the future. This visit was filled with a tour around the facilities and infrastructure owned by PGRI Palembang University. One of them visited the workshop/laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering, which on this occasion was received directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Adiguna S.T., M.Si, Deputy Dean of FT. Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.Si and the Head of the FT Laboratory.

The students looked enthusiastic, this was proven by their listening to the explanation from Mr. Aan Sefentry, S.T., M.T., Agus Setiobudi. S.T., M.Si and Ir. Agus Wahyudi, M.M carefully and asked a lot of questions about the usability function and workings of the tools exhibited at the Faculty of Engineering workshop. It is hoped that this can be a reference and attraction for students to continue to higher education, especially the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang after graduation.

The event closed with a general explanation about the campus and existing study programs as well as a question and answer session between the Batanghari Leko Public High School, Musi Banyuasin Regency and the leadership of the Palembang PGRI University which was held in room 406 on the 4th floor of the Business and Science Center Building, hopefully this event can provide information about the world lectures and open the minds of students present to determine the study program according to their interests and talents