Grand Deliberation (MuBes) of the Student Representative Council (DPM), the Student Executive Board (BEM) and the Study Program Student Association (HMPS) of the Faculty of Engineering for the 2021/2022 Period
Grand Deliberation (MuBes) of the Student Representative Council (DPM), the Student Executive Board (BEM) and the Study Program Student Association (HMPS) of the Faculty of Engineering for the 2021/2022 Period

Carrying the theme “Creating a Superior Engineering Faculty LKO with Wise, Progressive and Responsible Spirit” the Student Representative Council (DPM), Student Executive Board (BPM) and Study Program Student Association (HMPS) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas PGRI Palembang held a deliberation activity called The General Meeting (MuBes) which took place in the Classroom of the Faculty of Engineering, 1st Floor, Building D, Universitas PGRI Palembang. This activity is one of the annual routine programs of the Student Representative Council (DPM) as the campus Legislative Body. This activity takes place one day on January 24, 2022 from 08:00 WIB until it is finished. Present at the event, UPGRIP Chancellor Dr. H. Bukman Lian, M.M., M.Si., CIQaR which in this case was represented by Drs. Sukardi, M.Pd. as Vice Rector III for student organizations, alumni, relations between institutions and PGRI organizations, Dean of the Adiguna Engineering Faculty, S.T., M.Si, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Aan Sefentry, ST, MT and the Heads of Study Programs within the Faculty of Engineering as well as the Chair, vice chairman and members of the BEM and DPM of the Faculty of Engineering.

In his speech, Wahyu Dwi Nanda as Governor of BEM FT said, “Thank you for all the support given by the leadership of the Faculty of Engineering for all the activities that have been carried out by DPM, BEM and HMPS so far. Hopefully the Faculty of Engineering will be better in the future.”

Then the event continued with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Adiguna, S.T., M.Si, “A big thank you to all DPM, BEM and HMPS administrators who have carried out their duties to the best of their ability. This is a learning process in the implementation of the big deliberation, those of you who will later hold the baton must carry out their duties with full responsibility. Whoever is selected must prepare a work program for the next 1 year and be able to invite other colleagues to contribute positively to the institution. In the organization must comply with the rules of the game, must comply with applicable procedures and rules. In an organization what you are looking for is someone who is able to become a Problem Solver.” said Adiguna ending his speech.

Meanwhile in his speech Drs. Sukardi, M.Pd. said that the ongoing deliberation activity showed the openness and maturity of all Mubes participants, this was important for students in order to build a spirit of nationalism, maturity and awareness of the importance of problem solving held by consensus. “For the good of the study program we will support 100%, hopefully this activity can produce leaders who bring progress to the Faculty of Engineering”.

This Mubes activity in addition to electing the Chair of the DPM, the Chair of the BEM and the Chair of the HMPS of the Faculty of Engineering, also aims to provide learning to students how to organize properly and correctly, in addition to familiarizing students with deliberation to reach a consensus. The purpose of holding this activity is to form a faculty student organization that has a sense of responsibility, discipline, integrity and as a forum for unifying vision and mission in building student characteristics.