Implementation of the Faculty of Engineering Semester End Examination
Implementation of the Faculty of Engineering Semester End Examination

Semester Final Examination (UAS) is an academic activity that must be carried out by every tertiary student in completing their studies, as well as a form of final course evaluation that emphasizes cognitive aspects to determine student graduation in each course. UAS is held at the end of the semester after all teaching and learning processes have been completed.
The Faculty of Engineering have carried out the Even Semester Final Examinations for the 2022/2023 Academic Year at Building D, Palembang PGRI University, which starts on Monday 3 July 2023 to 8 July 2023.
The UAS implementation is an evaluation material for students, who have attended lectures during the semester. Faculty of Engineering students who take part in the UAS implementation in an orderly manner according to the rules that have been made and run smoothly.