PTMT Coordination Meeting Faculty of Engineering
PTMT Coordination Meeting Faculty of Engineering
In order to welcome the limited face-to-face learning that will soon be implemented, the engineering faculty has completed its facilities and infrastructure to support the implementation of the health protocols set by the government, including: the establishment of the faculty’s covid task force, preparation of temporary isolation rooms, cleaning of study rooms, seating arrangements capacity of not more than 50%, provision of hand washing facilities and body temperature measuring devices.
The Faculty of Engineering, on Thursday, October 18, 2021, at the Hall of the Faculty of Engineering on the 1st floor of building D, PGRI Palembang University held a coordination meeting regarding the preparation of limited face-to-face learning (PTMT) at the University of PGRI Palembang. The meeting was opened and chaired directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Mr. Adiguna, S.T., M.Si and attended by the Deputy Dean, Head of TU, Head of Subsections and all existing managers.
In addition to discussing the preparation for face-to-face learning, this coordination meeting also discussed: preparation for graduation, the 2021 T.A thesis workshop, letter administration and student PKM. With this coordination meeting, it is hoped that the lecturers and managers involved can play an active role and can synergize well.